Board of Management


Board of Management of Skerries Community College

The Board of Management comprises:

  • Three representatives nominated by Dublin Dun Laoghaire ETB.

  • Three representatives nominated by Archbishop’s House.

  • Two parents nominated and elected by parents

  • Two staff members nominated and elected by staff.

ETB Representatives:

Mr Ken Farrell (Chairperson)

Mr Kenneth Rea

Mr Cathal Boland

Archbishop’s Nominees:

Ms Emma Byrne

Mr Tony Keeling

Ms Stephanie Bourke


Parent Representatives:

Ms Teresa Duffy

Mr Declan De Freitas


Secretary to the BOM

Mr. Kevin McLoughlin

Michele Spillane (minutes)

John Paul Reilly (observation)

Aoife Smith (observation)


Community Representatives:

Mr Michael O'Leary


Teacher Representatives:

Mr Conor Fitzgibbon

Mr Joe Stafford