Student Council


The student council is a representative structure for students through which they can become involved in the affairs of the school. It works in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.

  • The Student Council is a vehicle for student participation

  • It creates a positive school environment

  • It creates an inclusive caring school environment

  • It develops communication and leadership skills, responsibility and accountability

  • It has a beneficial impact on issues such as discipline, bullying and staff-student relations



The student council consists of two representatives from each year and the head boy and head girl. A liaison teacher facilitates the weekly meetings. Elections are held in the first term to elect members.



  • Listens to what students have to say

  • Represents the students and is the voice for their opinions and ideas

  • Consults and cooperates with all the school community on issues of concern to the students

  • Informs the school community about issues being discussed, decisions taken and events planned

  • Investigates the opinions, ideas and concerns of students on issues

  • Establishes links with other schools

  • Helps with the drafting of policies e.g anti bullying

  • Improves the relationship between teachers and students

  • Suggests ideas to improve the school environment

  • Organises fundraisers

  • Comhairle na nOg

Student Council Members 2020/2021

1Joyce Karen Christie

1Yeats Grainne Jordan McDermott

2 Collins Eve O’Reilly

2 Wolfetone Lily T Byrne

3 Cullen Evan Manners

3 Cullen Aoibhe Churcher

3 O’Connell Ciara Zomer – Associate Member

4 Descartes Niamh McCormack

4 Aristotle Eoin O’Connor

4 Confucius Philip McGealy – Associate Member

4 Confucius Luke Daly – Associate Member

5 Miro Aya Zomer

5 Rembrandt Jessica Doolin

5 Picasso Aisling O’Reilly – Associate Member

5 Miro Robyn Guildea – Associate Member

6 Einstein Caitlin Dempsey

6 Hawking Leo Carroll

6 Einstein Charles Chege

6 Hawking Katie O’Brien

Student Council 2020-2021